Friday 19 April 2024

Cloud Seeding In UAE

The United Arab Emirates was on the receiving end of a colossal storm during the week which dumped a years worth of rain (5.59 inches in a nation that averages 4.7 annually) in just one day on the country, causing floods and four deaths and questions are being asked whether the UAE's practise of Cloud Seeding was the culprit.
The UAE have been trying to increase precipitation by sending planes through clouds where they spray chemicals to try and make it rain and days prior to the downpour, meteorologists at the National Centre for Meteorology said they flew seven cloud seeding flights and for some that's the smoking gun they needed to pin the blame on the daft plan.
Not so quick said an array of meteorologists who said that cloud seeding can't create clouds from nothing and seeding encourages water that is already in the sky to drop as rain so if the experts don't think seeding was to blame, what do they think was?
The Met Office pointed firmly at Climate Change and the effect of cloud seeding was negligible and said that rising global temperatures are leading to more extreme weather events such as this around the world which may be worth remembering the next time some wally tries to argue that Climate Change isn't a thing because unfortunately it is and even more unfortunately, it is something we have done to ourselves despite decades of warnings of what would happen. Yep, we really have been that stupid.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

well, whatever the met office says, or the un says is beyond disputation... the highest of the high

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

and the next to last statement in your post is very speculative...