Saturday 13 April 2024

Lying Men (And Women)

You can’t argue with the science…museum because they conducted a survey to ascertain facts about lying and they discovered that men lie 30% more than women and on average tell around 3 whoppers a day or 1,092 lies a year which is a lot of deceit lads.
The poll also found that the people the men play fast and loose with the truth to the most are their mothers with the top three lies being 'I’m on the way', 'I had no phone signal' and 'I’m stuck in traffic' and the poll also found that no woman has ever told a lie in the history of the World so the rest of this post will be about men spouting off a lot of porkies to all and sundry.
Actually, that's a lie right there because us women have our fair share of commonly uttered lies too. More often, according to the same study, women tend to lie about how they feel with 'I’m fine' top of the list followed by 'I didn’t drink that much', 'It wasn’t that expensive' and, on receiving a crap gift, trotting out 'It’s great, just what I’ve always wanted' which obviously means it will be appearing in a charity shop window tomorrow.
So us ladies lie less than mendacious men but where we do agree is that it is OK to lie to spare somebody’s feelings so 'Of course you’re not going bald' or 'I have no idea how your 'Best of Country & Western' CD ended up behind the Fridge' is us being nice to each other.