Thursday 20 June 2024

What Happened To Streakers?

It didn't seem that long ago that almost every sporting event had a naked person running across the pitch and disrupting the action but although we still get people running on the pitch they are always now fully clothed so what happened to streakers?
I can't remember the last time a nude body flashed across a football, cricket, rugby pitch or a tennis court where once it was such a popular pastime that there was even a song dedicated to it in the 1970's but maybe it is a 70s thing and has gone the same way as Roller Disco's, Rubix Cubes and shirts with collars so wide you were in danger of lifting off in a gust of wind.
The TV Cameras no longer show people who manage to get onto the pitch so maybe stripping off and running around as nature intended doesn't get the publicity anymore and if you are only doing it to get your face (or your other bits) on TV and you go to all that effort only to be ignored then it hardly seems worth it.
I do understand men not wanting to do it during the football or rugby season which takes place in Winter and cold weather is not very flattering for a naked gentleman and i am not particularly keen to see a nude body disrupting the Euro's unless its Olivier Giroud, i would make an exception for him.

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