Monday, 16 December 2024

Allow Me To Explain Elon

The United States of America is a great big country on the other side of the world where there’s Hollywood, hot dogs, huge cars, guns everywhere, cowboys, cactuses, skyscrapers and flags with stars and stripes on them everywhere but what they also have is a South African who took a $44 billion company and made it into a $12  billion company but its okay because he is the World's richest man and soon to be sat at a desk with the title 'Efficiency Tsar' in Donald Trumps Government.
It is exciting in a car crash type of way to watch from afar what Trump will do, exciting in that in 20 years’ time the footage will be on documentaries with ominous music and we are seeing it happen in real time and with Elon Musk welcomed into the Trump Government fold, it will be like the perfect nuclear family, in a Chernobyl type of way.
Unfortunately, Musk hasn’t limited himself to all things American and posted on Twitter how Britain is becoming a 'tyrannical police state' for jailing rioters and posted a picture of far-right Tommy Robinson in a prison-issue blanket and inquired: 'Why is he in prison for 18 months?'
Obviously Googling it is too much effort so allow me to explain to you Musky, Robinson is in prison for contempt of court, because he wouldn’t stop repeating false claims about a Syrian refugee teenager. It’s not even the first time he’s been in prison for contempt of court. He went before for trying to collapse a grooming trial, which would have put multiple female victims through the horror of having to testify twice.
He also weighed in on the farmers' protests, accusing the U.K. of going 'the full Stalin' as it increased inheritance tax on farms worth more than £3 million, and i don't really understand the intricacies of British Tax Law but farmers having to pay inheritance tax at 20% over £3 million while the rest of us pay 40% over £325,000 isn't really a hill to die on.
Still, nice to know you are paying attention to us over here Elon, obviously you don't get any of it and don't mind looking a fool which gives us big chuckles so i look forward to your next installment of 'Things in Britain i don't understand but will ignorantly comment on anyway'.


Not really a blog said...

you can travel all over america and never see a gun, well, unless you go to the inner cities... then you could see a lot of them and you'd wish you had one...

not very well informed are you. can't find cactus in 50% of the mainland.

flags are at schools and state/federal buildings mostly. You see some scattered about randomly but can go most of a day without seeing one.

skycrapers are only in the cities with at least 500,000 people.

cowboys... montana, wyoming, oklahoma, parts of texas not many other places

you really are living the stereotype... now go eat some bangers and mash and puff a fag

Anonymous said...

You took offence at the segue into the post??