Wednesday 18 September 2024

A New Era Of Homosexual Persecuting

Some people are straight, some are gay and some shift between the two and that shouldn't be anybody else's business but theirs but some people do seem to fixate on it which always seems a bit weird and to make it even more pervy it is the sex they object to mostly because it is mostly the Bible hugging crowd who clutch their rosary beads in horror if the partners are not of a different Chromosomes.
Homosexuals have been persecuted throughout history and outside of the West today, discrimination and violence continue with 64 countries still hold sexual acts between adults of the same sex as a criminal offence with punishments ranging from whipping to execution.
Obviously the only solution is to bring these nations into the 21st Century, for gays to move to more tolerant countries or if you live in a country who pervishly fixate on your sex life then to keep it quiet from the authorities but  that has become harder with news that an Artificial Intelligence system using face-analysing algorithms has been created at Stanford University that can detect your sexuality just by looking at your face.
The programmer, Michal Kosinski, analysed over 36,000 pictures of people’s faces from the Internet to find similar features between straight and gay people and used Ai to find patterns that were invisible to the human eye and claims 91% accuracy in men and 83% for women and announced it was: 'So easy for an algorithm to distinguish between gay and straight people'.
Already the Russians have inquired about it and prominent LGBTQ Organisations have spoken out about  a technology that could be used to persecute gay people in countries where homosexuality is punishable by death but Kosinski defended himself by saying it would be morally wrong to bury his findings.
Kosinski says that his findings confirm that the levels of male hormones foetuses are exposed to in the womb help determine whether people are straight or gay as it effects the jaw line, chins, eyebrows, noses and foreheads which are tell-tell signs of a persons sexuality.
Obviously if this is accurate, it is very ethically questionable as it could lend a veneer of credibility to governments that might want to use such technologies to persecute and take homophobia into a whole new era although Kosinski did admit that the results work best when you can see the whole face and beards caused a problem so Russian, African and Middle Eastern homosexuals, i would stop shaving  immediately.

1 comment:

Not really a blog said...

disagree. it isn't the ability to distinguish hetero from homo that is the ethical problem. it is how it is used. for example, having such a tool might have helped improve communications to control HIV.

it is funny that leftists once again ignore human nature. the way people present themselves to others is almost always a reflection of how they want people to see them. in other words, people want to be judged by others based on their visual representation. now the leftist says it is dangerous...