Sunday 29 September 2024

World Space Week

World Space Week is an International event which runs from October 4 when Sputnik was launched to October 10 when the Outer Space Treaty was signed and i have been busy scribbling as many Space related items as i can to join in, some of which will be posted here for that week.
When some people think of Space their first thoughts are Aliens and the idea that they may have visited the Earth is becoming increasingly popular with 20% of UK citizens believing Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials, and an estimated 7% believe that they have seen a UFO.
The figures are even higher in the US where 34% think Aliens have popped down and 24% of Americans say they’ve seen a UFO and all this is with zero evidence that aliens even exist despite almost everyone having a high resolution camera on their mobile phones which does make you wonder about those grainy images we see on TV where you can just make out a smudge if you squint your eyes which are shown as factual rather than entertainment.
It wasn't that long ago that anyone who said they believed that Aliens had visited would be dismissed as a crank but as large portions of the population believe it, it is no longer ignored as a quirk and Space Agencies are now putting out releases to explain what they are now calling Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs rather than UFOs) which only encourages conspiracy theories.
Personally i believe there is life on other Planets, there has to be because there are just too many other stars and planets in the Universe for life not to have started up elsewhere but if the question is have they visited us, it is highly unlilely but it is increasingly clear that belief in alien visitation is no longer just a fun speculation, but something that more and more people actually believe.

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