Tuesday 24 September 2024

Alt + F4

There is a theory that says everything we can see, including us humans, exist only in a fabricated world as if we are living in a huge game of Sims.
This isn't a new theory, the philosopher Rene Descartes pondered way back in the early 17th century if we were 'just a brain in a vat which thinks its living in the real world' and a Scientist at Portsmouth University has picked up the Descartes thread and said that he may have just proven that we all live inside a computer simulation.
Physicist Melvin Vopson, points out that: 'Information Physics appears to support this possibility' and shows that information has a physical mass and is a fundamental building block of the universe and all these building blocks store information about themselves, much like DNA in humans.
He set out to test the theory and see if it could support the simulation hypothesis using genetics, cosmology and symmetry and after swishing test tubes around and saying 'Hmmmm...' a lot discovered that: 'high symmetry corresponds to the lowest information entropy state, potentially explaining nature's inclination towards it'.
Nope, me neither but apparently it means that nature prefers things to be as well-ordered as possible and removes the: 'excess information in much the same way that a computer deletes or compresses code to save storage space and optimise power consumption and as a result supports the idea that we’re living in a simulation'.
He is now searching for funding to expand his experiment  and ''change physics as we know it' which sounds pretty cool but if all this is inside a Computer game then there must be glitches, easter eggs, errant code, bonus's and the unlocking of new 'levels' but my brain hasn't got enough computing power to consider all that so instead i'm going to make a cup of tea and watch the Matrix again just in case.

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