Friday 27 September 2024

Religion In American Politics

Watching the build up to the American Election, it is notable that they have two things over there which are not on the radar here, God and Guns.
Thankfully Guns is not even a consideration and Tony Blair once said that he never revealed his religious thoughts when leader as people would consider him 'a nutter' which to be fair was not our first choice of insult, going for warmongering maniac before reaching for the religious nutter label.  
Americans though do prefer their leaders to be of the God botherer variety which is why both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris try to play up their religious credentials although they do seem to be of two very different kinds of Christianity.
Donald Trump has positioned himself as a defender of the Christian faith and has promised to protect the public symbols of Christianity such as crosses from those who would tear them down which must have disappointed many Evangelicals who tuned into one of Kamala's rallies to see not crowds itching to tear down crosses but hear them say that they are actually rather fond of them themselves.
Religion then doesn't seem to fit neatly into a left or right thing, the religious fill both sides of the divide so it seems a strange choice to attack the other side on especially the Republicans who from my limited knowledge of the Bible are very much the ones who are most opposite the things Jesus stood for such as tolerance and forgiveness, a message so important that many of his most ardent followers would start killing anyone who didn't want to hear it.


Not really a blog said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry, too many long words?