Saturday 28 September 2024

Merry Christmas And Then Happy Birthday

A Data Journalist has been studying the number of Births from 1994 to 2014 and found that the most births are in September with September 9th the most popular birthday overall.
He then goes on to explain in a very lengthy report exactly why he thinks September is the month when most little bundles of joy are brought home but you don't need anything other than a Calendar and the ability to count back 38 weeks to work out why but let me break it down for you.
The average pregnancy is 38 weeks so September babies would be conceived in December, the time when people tend to work less during the holidays, leaving more time to bounce from party to party, drink a few extra cocktails, and ahem...take advantage of those lower inhibitions.
Scientists have proposed their own hypotheses to explain the high conception rates in December, suggesting that sperm is less potent and the Uterus is less receptive during the heat of summer which isn't as romantic i admit but scientists are stuck in lonely labs for a reason.
Whatever the reason, if you’re tired of having to schedule your birthday party with other children at school and want your own children to be the focus of their own Birthday Party, go at it like bunnies in June because the month with the fewest births is March.

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