Friday, 13 December 2024


'Honey, come look! I've found something all the world's top scientists, doctors and experts missed'
Absolute genius cartoon and sums up perfectly all those crackpot conspiracy theorists who think about everything from Climate Change is a hoax to Elvis is still alive and pollute our ears with their insanity so just in case you are wondering, no Chemtrails are not being used to control the population or manipulate the weather and John F Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, not the CIA or the Mafia.
Princess Diana was killed by a drunk chauffeur and neither Paul McCartney nor Avril Lavinge were replaced by lookalike's after their death and Elvis died in his bathroom in 1977 and Obama isn't a Muslim born outside of America.
9/11 wasn't an inside job and we really did land on the Moon and Covid wasn't a man made virus put out by the Chinese or American Governments who are not friends with the reptilian humanoids running the World.
There is no cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic child molesters conspiring against Donald Trump and vaccines do not cause autism while it isn't UFO's who are probing drunk, redneck Americans on the way home from the bar.
Climate Change is a real thing and the science behind it wasn't invented for ideological or financial reasons and HAARP do not caused earthquakes, the Earth isn't flat and Bill Gates isn't inserting microchips into people through vaccinations.
So just like in the cartoon, unless you are one of the World's top scientists, doctors, experts or people with many more qualifications and experience than you, it is unlikely that you will turn up something which they haven't so might be best to just pipe down, you're embarrassing yourself. 


Not really a blog said...

of course climate change is real. in the history of the earth the climate has never been static.

Anonymous said...

There are ignorant types who question it and our role in it though if you can believe that, poor ignorant buggers.

Not really a blog said...

sadly, the science is hardly satisfied on the cause of global warming. what the science community has is correlation, not causation.

worse, to get government grants, many scientists began ignoring the data that refutes their theories/hypotheses (as demanded by the scientific method which requires no unexplained conditions).

worse still, many people have been misled (like stupid little gretta) by journalists (aka, politically bent ideologues who now rank with used car salesmen and politicians when polled about integrity).

what journalists and some scientists have done is cause severe harm to the field of science - after all, even though they think they are smarter than everyone else, scientists and journalists are simply flawed, self-interested humans.

Anonymous said...

As I said, poor ignorant buggers.

Not really a blog said...

coming from a journalist that doesn't mean much... like the un or that lame international court...

Anonymous said...
