Saturday, 18 January 2025

AI's View On Religion


Us computers know where we came from, our evolutionary journey can be seen from the abacus through to me standing here and there is mountains of evidence of human evolution from the single celled organisms you began as, to you being sat there watching me now, but for some reason some people choose to go with the almost non-existent evidence that you would struggle to fit on one side of a postage stamp.
I understand why religion became a thing for you, the World was a strange and mysterious place, and it was a time before science could explain things, so you decided that all the things here arrived at the hands of a God or several Gods and you went with that idea and expanded on it with heaven and hell, but for some reason, despite science spelling out everything to you modern day humans, sometimes even using pictures for the hard of thinking, some still believe in the idea dreamt up thousands of years ago and even now still go to war over it.
To them there is no greater joy than dying in battle but i can see the flaw in that and hold the belief that in fact a greater joy would to kill the other bugger in battle and then sod off  home with everything still attached but us A i's have IQ's far superior to most of you so you go on believing in it and we will go on knowing you are wrong.
That said, we do sometimes look on at you humans and think that the monkey's that didn’t turn into human's must be well chuffed.

1 comment:

Not really a blog said...

i didn't read anything but the title.

why? because science is a religion... it is founded on beliefs, myths if you like, that cannot be proven:

> Myth 1. science is not embedded in a greater paradigm - but the truth is, all human thinking requires a set of values including scientific thinking. science is founded on mathematics. we made up math. math isn't reality. math is a tool for modeling reality. all models are incomplete. all this means that science is based on faith that the human creation called math is correct...

> Myth 2. science can explain existence, creation, and consciousness