Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Today In Numbers

The Global population at 16:30 on 22/01/2025 stands at 8.2 billion with 238,217 births and 112,249 deaths today.

2,110 people will die of a contagious or infectious disease and 1,235 will be under 5 years old with 50 mothers dying in childbirth. 273 people will die of AIDS/HIV, 1334 people will die of Cancer, 64 deaths from Malaria.

Globally, £11.4 bn will be spent on Public Healthcare, £7.5 bn on Public Education and £3.1 bn on Military expenditure today.

14,246 cars will be produced today and 14,152 mobile phones sold.

17.8m people will use the Internet today, 21.1m Google searches will be made, 564m emails will be sent and 20,962 blog posts written.

9,356 hectares of forest will be lost today along with 12,596 Hectares of Land lost to soil erosion and with 70m tonnes of CO2 emissions and 17,617 tonnes of toxic  chemicals released into the environment today.

There are 1.7bn overweight people in the world today with 885m undernourished people of which 20,119 will die of hunger.

There will be 762,334 m litres of water used, 2m people without access to safe drinking water of which 139 will die of water related diseases.

307m Megawatts of Energy used today of which 261m Megawatts will be from renewable sources while 62m barrels of oil will be pumped.

There will be 7,329 abortions and 27bn cigarettes will be smoked with 812 deaths attributed to smoking, 406 attributed to alcohol and 174 suicides with 2,513 dying in a road traffic accident and 638 dying in an armed conflict.
