Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Why Would Anyone Choose Facism?

Very poignant that days after Elon Musk's double Nazi salute at the Trump inauguration, the World comes together to remember the horrors of Fascism and the 1.1 million people who perished in Auschwitz.
Israel, Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Belarus, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic all have have hard-right parties in government and in Trump, America has a leader who ticks almost every box for being a fascist so with the history books on the shelves warning just how things ended up the last time the hard right was in power, why are leaders who lean into Fascism being voted into power?
Philosopher Giovanni Gentile who wrote the foundation of Fascism which inspired Benito Mussolini claimed he was not opposed to democracy and suggested his philosophy was actually advocating a more pure version of it as it provided unity between the leader, the nation-state, and the people whose members share the same attitudes, beliefs and desires.
According to fascists, only those who share the correct attributes can be part of 'the people' and therefore true members of society while the rest are considered 'outsiders' and are trying to interfere with the ability of the leader to give direct effect to the will of the people as they see it.
Fascist leaders such as Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were larger than life figures who demand absolute loyalty and obedience from their loyal followers but as Fascism is an ideology set in a time long gone, why are some people supporting it?
Modern fascists do not appear in jackboots and brown-shirts but in suits and ties and promise to make a nation whole again, to return it to it's glory and following  terrorist attacks, wars, recessions can make people feel that their world has turned upside down and the fascists hark back to a mythologized or romanticised past and promise they can turn back the clock and restore a nations greatness , by extreme measures, if necessary.
Of course we know how the experiment with Fascism ended last time as we have been hearing the horrific and grisly stories from the survivors of Auschwitz to remind us so why would anyone with more than one working brain cell possibly choose it.


Not really a blog said...

your opening paragraph reveals a foundational misunderstanding of fascism. or, such a hatred of dissenting views (like the vast majority of journalists these days) that you intentionally twist truth in an effort to ruin the people that disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

You mean it wasn’t a Nazi salute??

Not really a blog said...

so an arm and hand motion are now what makes one a fascist?? not suppressing human civil rights and killing people for their religious beliefs??

Anonymous said...

Even if it’s probably the most infamous gesture we know which even the most ignorant imbecile would know as a Nazi salute, that one you mean?

Not really a blog said...


Anonymous said...

Care to point out where I said Musk was a Fascist and not just a moron doing a Nazi style Fascist salute?

Not really a blog said...

it is implied all over your post

Not really a blog said...

and you brought up the supposed salute... not me

Anonymous said...

Implied as in your interpretation of something which I never said.