Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New January 1st

Today is the first day of 2025 so Happy New Year and hope this year brings everything you wished for but January 1st has only been the start of the year for a few hundred year, at various points it has been 25 December, 1 March the 25 March and whenever Easter fell in the year.
The original Happy New Year celebrations were conducted as per the Babylonian Calendar and the cheer would go up as the 20th March turned into 21st March but then the Roman's and their 10 month Calendar took over and declared the 1st March as when the New Year began but then they jiggered around with the Calendar and tagged on January and February and decided to make the 1st day of the new year in the new January as it was the day they elected public officials to the Roman Republic anyway so as they were all getting tanked up and holding orgies to celebrate that, they killed two birds with one stone.
Medieval Christian Europe, in an attempt to move away and distance themselves from their Roman origins tried celebrating the new year on 25 December in honour of their small baby Jesus and 25 March in honour of the conception of the even smaller Jesus and on the movable feast of Easter but as everyone was confusingly celebrating it on a different day, the Catholic Church decided that the first day of the year was to be January 1st and would become official with the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in 1582.
Nations slowly changed their calendars and would do the Auld Lang Syne on 1st January but as usual the Brits and American Colonies had the draggiest feet and carried on having New Years Day on 25th March until 1752 when they decided 170 years later that having a different calendar and being in a year 3 months longer than the rest of the World was a bit of a drawback and began their Calendars in January and we have been both making New Years Resolutions and breaking them on 1st January ever since.

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