How a man can buy part of a country when he isn't even capable of buying self-tanning lotion that doesn't make him look like a fat tangerine is debatable but Donald Trump is a businessman, just that he isn't a very good one as five bankruptcies including a Casino of all things show, but never one to shy away from spending money he hasn't got, Trump is looking to buy Greenland from Denmark for America.
When he raised it during the original debacle when he was in Office, Kim Kielsen, the then Prime Minister of Greenland, issued a brilliant counteroffer to Trump and stated that actually, Denmark should buy the United States.
He based his offer on the historical argument that it was Greenland as part of Denmark, under Viking Leif Erikson who discovered America and it was his father, Erik the Red, who discovered Greenland and settled there so it was only natural for them to want America back.
Kielsen then went on to break down exactly how much they should pay for America and figured in the $37 trillion colossal size of the U.S.’s national debt and also subtracted a further amount: 'If we have to take Donald Trump into the bargain'.
Denmark ranked 2nd in the United Nations 2024 World Happiness Report and the United States was 23rd and The Economist ranked Denmark as the 9th best place in the world to be born while the US placed 35th.
The U.S. ranks 21st and Denmark 5th on the U.N.’s human development index with life expectancy in Denmark is 81.93 and in the USA 79.3 with education standards in Denmark 5th globally and 9th in the USA so maybe American's should maybe wanting to start living the Danish dream and live longer, be happier and receive a better education and as Denmark bans guns, no more of that stupidness.
The question is does the current Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, want to take on 350 million American's into the bosom of Denmark but as the current FIFA Rankings show USA 16th and Denmark 21st, they could maybe throw a few thousand Danish Krone at them to buy it as they could do with a few of their footballers.
Friday, 31 January 2025
Denmark Pondering Buying America
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once again journalists are played like rag doll puppets by trump. he says stupid things, but the press can't leave it alone.
by treating his stupid statements as if they are real, even under the guise of being humorous, left leaning journalists reveal their ignorance and lose all readers that aren't also left leaning... destroying all credibility as viable news sources.
it seems to me you are talking about journo motive for addressing trump's inane statements.
i'm talking about the wisdom of the actions taken by journos - journos in the US lose at least 50% of the US market of viewers/listener/readers by treating trump's statements literally.
some of the tv/cable/online journos come across as very adamant that trump is being literal. they also make the mistakes of using manipulative snipets and misrepresenting context.
in the US in the early 90's, we (left, right, neutral) all watched cnn. then in the mid 90's cnn began covering for the democratic party. by 2000, cnn was undermining the republican party. viewers didn't change. cnn changed their approach to journalism (from neutral to left) and fox rose to prominence.
i personally listened to npr on a daily basis. their stories were informative and interesting, and while they leaned left, they didn't attack the right. circa 2000, and the W election, npr began attacking the right. i will never forget driving to work in 9/12. npr broadcast 3 interviews with people that open claimed "hatred" (their words) for W.
The day after the 9/11 attacks npr broadcast 3 people attacking W and the republican party as racist, sexist, and xenophobic. npr got worse after that and had several show hosts that did noting but attack W, then later trump.
i always leaned right (my first vote was for nixon). i didn't leave abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, npr, etc. they left me - - and if you look at the numbers, i was just one of about 70% of Americans.
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