Saturday 22 May 2021

Nil Points From Montenegro Jury

It's Eurovision time again and as sure as Amanda Holden is going to have three quarters of her breasts on show when she reads out the UK results, the accusation of Bloc voting will rear its head as soon as the UK song begins its inevitable slide towards the lower end of the scoreboard.
There is some truth to the accusation as the Eastern European nations always seem to throw Russia some big points as do the Scandinavian countries with Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland relying on each other to bump up each others scores but while Britain may suffer from not being on the friendliest terms with our European neighbours, we have Ireland and Malta to look towards to ensure we avoid the dreaded nul points when the rest of the Continent poo poo us so we are not clean when it comes to 'friendly' votes.
Looking at the UK votes received since the compeition began in 1957, we can see who our real friends are with the most points coming from Luxembourg who on average gave us on average 5 points per competition until they stopped taking part in 1993, then Malta, Ireland, Austria and Israel and going the other way, we have handed out most points to Ireland, an average of 5.5 points in finals.
At the other end, the country that has snubbed the UK the most consistently is Montenegro which has failed to give the UK even a single point ever but Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Armenia have only ever given us a single point each in the contest.
So we know who our friends are so we can say thank you to the juries of Dublin, Valletta, Vienna and Tel Aviv and hope that one day Luxembourg decide to get back in the game but to Montenegro we say we know your game and us Brits and Amanda Holden's semi-exposed breasts will be watching you very closely tonight.

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