Monday, 13 January 2025

What Happened To The Centre Right?

Once upon a time there was a centre right and anyone further along the ideological X Axis was deemed far right and ignored as a fruitcake but over the last few years the two seem have have merged and all the right are now in loony town territory.
Donald Trump, a man who ticks all the boxes of being a fascist, has gained power in America and in the UK Nigel Farage's Reform Party has been crowing that they have a higher membership than the Tories and the Tories have slid effortless into the same demographic ground that their members can comfortably switch between the two and it was only a decade ago that the then Tory leader, David Cameron, dismissed Farage’s mob as 'closet racists'.
The shift in the UK could be put down to 14 years of Tory misrule who rather than fix problems, pointed at the unemployed, immigrants and the European Union to create scapegoats to blame and the right wingers who had been held at arms length since the dark days of the 1980's, were now free to reign their vile hatred down upon anyone they wished.  
The countries mental breakdown that was Brexit made immigration toxic and Theresa May's notorious 'Go Home' vans and the far right found a kindred spirit in Boris Johnson and Liz Truss while across Europe immigration has been used to stir up ill-feeling in Austria, Hungary, Italy and Marie Le Pen came within a whisker of replacing the Government and in Germany the far right in the country is surging.
Elements within the media haven't helped with the right wing press serving up a relentless diet of bile against Muslims, migrants, refugees and trans people and Elon Musk's X is now an instrument of right-wing radicalisation.
Nothing now, it seems, is considered 'too extreme' for the right to rally against and although we have history books to show us what happens when the right wing take control, if history teaches us one thing, it’s that we don’t learn from history so maybe we just have to watch on in horror and let this play out with all its awful consequences before the wrongheaded experiment with right wing extremism is put to bed once again.  


Not really a blog said...

history also shows us what happens when the left takes charge: ussr, china, cuba, venezuela, n korea...

the eu and europe have been able to play the leftist socialist environmentalist game because the US subsidized the eu with trade advantages and defense support... as US subsidization begins to shift toward Japan, Australia, and the Pacific, the eu and europe will find life harder in all ways... the socialist ways won't work without US subsidization.. your chickens are coming home to roost...

Anonymous said...

Care to name all the wars started by USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea?

Not really a blog said...

collectively they killed over one hundred million in their own nations. i count that.

Not really a blog said...

didn't the USSR start a war in Afghanistan? yeah, so they kill other peoples too...

Anonymous said...

History book not big in Fredericksburg? Luckily they are in the UK.

Not really a blog said...

another personal attack. your predominant method and arguably your best asset, after being a grammar checker...

Suddenly you are using my personal information. Why? is it to show you are clever in some way? between facebook, instagram, linkedin, and the information i shared blogging a moron could figure out my identity.

how many people with Q in their name; lived in a small german town near san antonio; and worked for a f100 financial services company that served the military; as the strategist and innovator; good grief... frankly my linkedin profile is all one needed to see to know where i got my degrees, where i lived, what work i did, who i knew, etc.

don't be too proud of yourself... oh you aren't. you hide your identity. though i know people that could and would get it for me...

for the record, i never tried to hide my identity, i just didn't want my opinions to be directly tied to USAA because they walked on egg shells all the time about all topics they considered to be political. i liked being the futurist and strategist for the company so i kept my political views separated from my employer. big deal.

having books isn't the same as reading them or understanding them lucy... a quote for you...

"The conflict began when the Soviet military, under the command of Leonid Brezhnev, moved into Afghanistan to support the Afghan administration that had been installed during Operation Storm-333. Debate over their presence in the country soon ensued in international channels, with the Muslim world and the Western Bloc classifying it as an invasion, while the Eastern Bloc asserted that it was a legal intervention. Nevertheless, numerous sanctions and embargoes were imposed on the Soviet Union by the international community shortly after the beginning of the conflict. Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan's major cities and all main arteries of communication, whereas the mujahideen waged guerrilla warfare in small groups across the 80% of the country that was not subject to uncontested Soviet control—almost exclusively comprising the rugged, mountainous terrain of the countryside. In addition to laying millions of landmines across Afghanistan, the Soviets used their aerial power to deal harshly with both Afghan resistance and civilians, levelling villages to deny safe haven to the mujahideen, destroying vital irrigation ditches and other infrastructure through tactics of scorched earth."