Friday, 28 February 2025

Last Day Of Winter

Today is the last day of Winter and although I generally like the season with it's crisp air, i sincerely hope someone has let Mother Nature know because i seem to have complaining i'm cold for the last 4 months.
I don't know if this Winter has been particularly cold in the UK or if it's just my aging bones but I have definitely been digging out the thicker jumpers and cardigans this year as i scraped the frost off my car windscreen with heavy gloves in -6°C with a Feels Like temperature of -10 °C which wasn't fun although it could have been worse and I could have been doing it in Scotland where temperatures sunk to -18.9°C in January.
The MET Office says that the average Winter temperature in the UK is between 2°C and 7°C  and this Season it has been 1°C below average which by chance is the amount the UK's average winter temperature has increased by around in the last century due to Climate Change, meaning in some roundabout way it would be even further below average if we hadn't been stupidly shoving all our poison into the atmosphere.
As it is officially Spring tomorrow and the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth starts to receive more of the Sun's direct rays it will warm up but today my Car said it was 2°C at 6am and it felt like it but I feel bad complaining about cold and snowy winters because with Global Warming really starting to bite, we had better make sure we enjoy them while we still got them.