Monday, 10 February 2025


Valentines Day is fast approaching and all single women are on the lookout for that hunks desk to land a Valentines Card on but if you work in economics or the finance sector then it seems you will be spending another February 14th alone, at home eating a microwave meal for one because singletons are not interested in what you have to offer and have their sights set on Medical personnel.
Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine but unless you are into baldy beardy men i don't fancy your chances much as he died over 2000 years ago but there is Egypt's Imhotep who was the first Doctor and he has I'm Hot' in his name although he died 2600 years ago so your potential partner should first be alive and then into saving lives.
A study of 2000 single men and women found that they are looking for Dr Right with 29% of respondents considering Healthcare workers as the sexist sector and then education (23%), emergency response workers (19%) with brace wearing Finance Johnnies (18%) booted down the league table to 8th, one below IT workers (17%) which to be fair is higher than i would have thought for the pasty faced computer nerds.
There was obviously a missing page in the release i got as i couldn't see Journalist on the list but for singles this Valentines Day, if you have an accident in a school, get taken to the Hospital by an Ambulance and then get treated by a Doctor that's the top three all hit in one day.

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