When i was younger there used to be adverts with 1 in 4 people getting cancer but now the odds seem to be 1 in 2 and whereas it always used to be something older people got, it seems to be hitting younger people these days.
Studies in Scotland, Sweden and New Zealand has found that Cancer was being diagnosed more often than in previous years among people under 50 and when they broadened out the research, they found that young people around the world are getting many different kinds of cancer at alarmingly high rates and asked 'Why is cancer increasingly striking people in the primes of their lives?'
Globally, diagnoses and deaths related to Cancer in the under 50's rose by 79% from 1990 to 2019, according to a recent study published in the medical journal BMJ Oncology with it rising most commonly in the breast, colon, rectum, pancreas, and stomach and while the majority of cancer sufferers are over 50, the under 50s group is the only age group for which the risk is rising.
The rise in diagnoses is partly comes down to advances in our ability to detect and diagnose Cancer but Scientists say there is a more complex web of factors in modern life and lifestyle choices affecting younger adults.
Classic risk factors such as drinking and smoking do not seem to fully explain the recent rise in Cancers as even young, nonsmoking women, for example, are being diagnosed with lung cancer in strangely high numbers and theories include ultra-processed foods, red meat and unhealthy fast foods contributing to weight gain.
Other researchers blame the microplastics littering our environment and leaching into our food and water supplies or one of any number of potential health hazards in the modern world but they are agreed that something in our Modern World is making us seriously ill.
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Modern Living Making Us Ill
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of course the environmentalists want to lock in on something like plastics or anything else they dislike...
other than that, i think it is too many carbohydrates, lack of exercise, and lack of good sleep.
in the past 25 years, i've read hundreds of research based reports related to diet:
> there is no evidence that humans need carbohydrates
> carbs are economically cheap calories (corn, rice, beans, potatoes, oats, sugars, etc.)
> carbs taste good and we crave them (sugar) - supposedly because it takes less energy to gather, prepare, consume, store, and use glucose than it takes to do the same for meats/fats - so the limbic system of the species that survived (homo-sapiens) an eon of near starvation prefer sugars over proteins and fats... but now food abounds globally and the species has not adapted to the abundance of food...
> when you body releases (yes even your body lucyp) insulin it is a signal to stop using fat for energy (store it in fat cells)
> when fat cells reach a certain size they stop listening to insulin to keep from being damaged (insulin resistance - leads to diabetes type 2)
> when you have insulin resistance, your body is releasing fatty acids into the blood stream while it is also loaded with glucose... the fat must go somewhere - it goes to our organs and we get things like "fatty liver"...
> we do need amino acids that come from fatty meats - not carbs
> the brain prefers ketones (fat by product) and only use carbs when the ketones are exhausted
> anxiety and depression are linked to diets that are too high in carbs
personally, i never quit eating butter (not oleo), beef, cheese, bacon, or eggs. in fact, for the last 30 years i've eaten 18 to 24 eggs a week and i cook them in butter. yet my doctor says i'm the healthiest patient he has ever had. expects me to live well and live past 90.
> blood pressure 115/70
> resting heart rate 54 - 58
> low triglycerides
> high HDLs, low LDLs, ideal ratio
i also never stopped exercising. i went from high school sports to marathons, daily basketball, an intramural sports (soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, racquetball) until i reached 60. since 60, and at age 70, i walk 4 to 6 miles on a typical day, and 6 months out of the year to prepare for backpacking trips, i do walks that gain 300m to 400m a day while wearing a weighted vest.
is DNA the explanation? maybe, that kind of thinking gives people the emotional cause to not eat well and to abstain from exercise. nothing i can do, predestined. i'll just sit here, smoke, drink alcohol, and eat crap. then cover it all up with medications...
don't over eat, make fat and proteins 90% of your diet, and walk 2 or 3 kilometers a day... you will live longer and be healthier while you live... dr. q
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