Thursday 11 July 2024

No Third World War Imminent

A former army chief has warned members of NATO the world is facing "as dangerous a moment as any time that we've had since 1945" as he called on members to invest more into their arms.
General Sir Patrick Sanders, told The Times that Russia, China and Iran were the new axis powers, and a third world war could break out within the next five years if action was not taken.   
I don't know if the General has been sniffing the tank exhaust fumes or something but since 1945 seems a bit of an over exaggeration.
I would put the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962 as the most dangerous moment seeing as it is widely called the closest the World has come to a full-scale nuclear war and in 1969 a drunk Richard Nixon gave the order to nuke North Korea and was thankfully ignored by his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
The Soviets threatened to nuke Israel in 1973 after it armed fighter jets with nuclear warheads and aimed them towards Syria and Egypt and during the height of the cold war in 1983, Soviet systems detected five American nuclear missiles heading their way and readied a catastrophic reply, only detecting it to be a false alarm at the last moment so all of the above are very real more dangerous moments than the dozy General's hypothetical moments.
I get that powerful nations need a bogeyman to keep us safe from if just to stop people asking why we are spending hundreds of billions we don't have on weapons and over the last few years we in the West have wheeled from the Soviet Union to Iraq, Iran and now China and Russia but the truth is it is the West who have invaded nations, disposed leaders and unstabalised other countries so i would say pull your head in General, a third World War isn't imminent and if it was it would be nuclear and nations spending wildly on weapons would end up the same as nations who spent less, both would be a large smoking hole and a vapourised population.

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