Sunday 14 July 2024

Trump's Close Call

After getting his ear pierced by a gunman in Pennsylvania, i do wonder what Donald Trump's thought are now on the Second Amendment which he has staunchly defended, saying: 'I will always protect your Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.'
I wonder how he feels about them now that some deranged nutter has clambered up upon a nearby roof and came within a ear lobe of blowing his brains out with an AR-style semi-automatic rifle which is the firm favorite of gun-nuts who indulge in a bit of mass shooting and as usual, this one was legally owned.
Fortunately, despite a flurry of shots aimed at him, Donald Trump escaped with only a bleeding ear but people behind him in the crowd was not so lucky with one dying and two seriously injured but i did find it very strange that people in the crowd were doing that 'USA, USA' chant while Trump was being carted off to his car because seconds after an assassination attempt is just the time to be singing the praises of your country.
Immediately i received a Facebook message about how 'Making America Shoot Straight Again' which is a very British reaction but i also saw conspiracy theories leap into existence almost immediately including how the shooting was staged and how the shooter was 'a prominent Antifa activist' although the shooter named as 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks was later revealed to be a registered supporter of Trump's own Republican Party.
I am sure his reasons for such a heinous act will come to light in the coming days as will Trump's decision whether he will stay in the Presidential race and whether such a close call will make any changes to his thoughts on the bat shit crazy gun laws which almost cost him his life and President Biden came out to condemned the shooting, saying: 'We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this', i think you're the President so if anyone can stop it, it's you.