Tuesday 2 July 2024

Use Broadcast Media For Your News

In the era of fake news, disinformation, conspiracy theories it can be difficult to know who or what to trust with their news and that is even more vital as Political Parties try to persuade people to vote for them.
Yougov have created a chart showing who Brits trust from the top broadcast outlets and the BBC comes out top with 44% deeming it trustworthy then ITV News on 39% and Channel 4 News has 38%, Sky News 28%, Channel 5 News 24% and GB News 12%.
The most trusted newspaper is the Financial Times on 40% then The Guardian 33%, The Times 30%, The Independent 30%, The Economist 28%, The Telegraph 24%, The i 20%, The Daily Mail 10%, The Express 8%, The Mirror 8%, The Sun 6% and The Star 3%.
Of the radio stations, LBC is the most trustworthy with 14% then Times Radio 12% and then TalkRadio with 9%.
The Press regulates itself and anything deemed misleading is corrected days later on page 17 in the bottom left hand column while Broadcast media has Ofcom watching its every move so with accusations of bias ringing in my ears, i say stick to the TV News, BBC or ITV preferably,  and steer clear of GB News and if you want to read a newspaper go for the Financial Times, Guardian or Times and steer clear of the tabloid press altogether.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

USA Today has gone from 3 million subscriptions at its peak, down to 300 thousand. USA Today, like the NYT, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and LA Times ignored Biden's health - many even tried to flip the script to Trump being the one that has dementia (demented perhaps, but not dementia). They also refuted that Hunter's laptop was real - they said it was a Russian plot.

CNN dominated cable news in the 1990's and now only has about 500 thousand daily viewers - that is minuscule in a nation with 330 million people. Like the newspapers, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CBS, PBS, et al all ignored Biden's health. They also denied that Hunter's laptop was real.

The kind of blatant reporting noted in the examples above is why professional journalists have lost their credibility. They did it to themselves. Between ideology (apparently the vast majority of journalism professors and graduates in the US lean left to far left - 90% vote democrat) and a desperate effort to stop declining revenue, news sources have discredited themselves - their enemy is seen in the mirror.

It seems most Americans want to hear all sides of an event, not just the left's view, and not just the right's view.

Anonymous said...

As I said, American media has never been held up as a good example.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

Maybe. "Never" is a long time and it is passive language (means whatever the reader wants it to mean).

In the 60's, journalists and the press hid JKF's many affairs, ditto LBJ's sexual transgressions. They mostly covered for Reagan when he was declining. But, until the press cover up, denial, and defense of the Monica Lewinski affair, the US public generally trusted the press and journalists. I think that was the beginning of their demise.