Wednesday 24 July 2024

Got To Love Bernie Sanders

War Criminal and Genocide overlord Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in America and wisely Kamala Harris stayed well clear while he met Joe Biden who has provided the weapons for Israel to kill over 38,000 Palestinians and whilst an United Nations arrest warrant for crimes against humanity is winging its way through the highest court in the World, America is pretty much the only place the warmongering murderer could go but not everyone is happy about him turning up there to give a speech in Congress, and amidst the hundreds of Jews who turned up to protest what he is doing in not in their name, take a step forward Bernie Sanders.
The Vermont senator condemned the Israeli prime minister address, calling him a 'war criminal presiding over a right-wing extremist government'.
'Tomorrow will be unique in bringing Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress', said Sanders, 'It will be the first time in American history that a war criminal has been given that honor'
and 'He should not be welcome in the United States Congress' as Israel’s war on Gaza had 'trampled on international law, on American law and on basic human values' and the Israeli Government should not
receive 'another nickel of US taxpayer support to continue the inhumane destruction of Gaza'.
Several Democratic lawmakers with a conscience were planning to boycott the speech and Sanders ended with the cutting: 'This invitation to Netanyahu is a disgrace and something that we will look back on with regret' and how it would be impossible for the United States to lecture any country on Earth about human rights and human dignity.'
Shame on you Joe Biden for not clapping him in irons and delivering him to the Hague to face his war crimes and genocide but you got to love Bernie.