Tuesday 16 July 2024

Ramping Up The Climate Change Message

As long as there are activists, there will be people disagreeing with their tactics and messaging such as the climate activists who sprayed Stonehenge with orange dye in protest of government inaction to tackle climate change.
I have been part of the Climate Change protest for decades and until recently it was all about politely educating the public with messages and leaflets and meetings but as Mother Nature bares her teeth at the mess we have created, the protest movement has moved up a notch to slap people across the face with their message rather than politely point out what can, and is, happening.
I have been told they should tone it down as it is scaring children and although i don't always agree with some of their tactics such as attacking works of art or blocking busy roads, i reply good, so it should scare them because it is scary, people are actually dying from it.
There are thankfully a small amount of people who disagree with the idea of Climate Changing and challenge the mountains of evidence on ideological, religious or useful idiots of the oil industry out of sheer ignorance but the fact that there are people desperate to make the World a better and safer place is a good thing.
It shows that there are people out there who think that humanity could and should do better for all of us by changing their behaviour and the behaviour of Governments and after decades of messages about recycling and not polluting the Planet the climate crisis is more dire than ever so something more forcible had to happen to force home the message that we are killing ourselves with our actions.
It is okay to make people feel a little uncomfortable and give humanity a much needed wake-up call to truly understand what we’ve done and continue to do to our planet and to each other if that is what it takes but the protesters are doing it for all 8 billion of us because seeing hundreds of thousands dying each year in record breaking heat waves, floods and extreme weather sure as hell isn't working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doing for the wilful ignorant. You are welcome.