Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Oh Bugger, I Agree With Trump!!!

I have had many showers and baths but i can't seem to get rid of this dirty feeling that i actually agree with Donald Trump about something.
Before i reach for the Carbolic Soap and Bleach, the issue the Apricot Arse and I agree on is transgender athletes in female sports and i admit i am not a Biologist as i spent most Biology lessons at school around the back of the bicycle sheds with Benson and Hedges but a male physiology is very different to a females, one scientist who did less smoking at school than i did put the advantage at as much as 34% which is very unfair that women could be competing against other athletes with such a biological advantage of having a male body that no amount of training will be enough to overcome the physical advantage.   
In any other walk of life i support the rights of anyone Transgender, but when it comes to sport i am completely in the camp that say's athletes who were once men should NOT be competing against women so i am firmly in agreement with the Tangerine Tyrant although i suspect for very different reasons.
I understand the argument that transgender athletes should be able to identify as male or female and more power to them, they can be who they like, but not in a competition, where some athletes take drugs for just a tiny advantage, a male body is just too much to advantageous to overcome for female athletes who, if reversed, would be left treading water if they competed against males.
The simplest way to avoid any confusion of what category someone should be in is the biological fact that though you may be able to change your gender, but you can never change your sex, that is biologically cast while in the womb (not at conception as the Marmalade Moron said) and you are destined to forever have XY or a XX chromosomes and no medical procedure can change your chromosomes.
It doesn't change the fact that i find myself agreeing with the Carrot faced Cretin in the White House which pains me but at least my view only applies to sport, he’s is a small part of what he called 'transgender insanity' in his weird fight against anyone that isn't white and male.
Phew, for a moment there i thought i was going to have to get a MAGA hat and have my brain surgically removed and replaced with a grapefruit.


Not really a blog said...

you aren't agreeing with Trump. you are picking sexism over homophobia. he is both sexist and homophobic - remember?

Anonymous said...

Also a sex offending criminal fascist don’t forget.

Not really a blog said...

1.) you apparently do not know what a fascist is.
2.) he lost a "civil" law suit on sexual harassment in a hostile jurisdiction
3.) the felony was the lowest level of felony, a white collar accounting crime, a farce, and was also prosecuted in a hostile jurisdiction