Sunday, 2 March 2025

Stay Out Of The Black And Into The White

You don't find many answer to the Climate Change Crisis in women's magazines but i came across an article in one of my Mum's old Good Housekeeping magazines about keeping cool in Summer.
The jist of it was if you want to stay cool in Summer, the colours to wear where White, Red or Orange which will reflect the heat away from you and keep you cool while avoiding Indigo, Violet or Black which will absorbs the heat and make you only feel hotter.
If the white reflects heat why are we not painting all roofs of our buildings white to reflect the sunlight and reduce  the need for air conditioning?
Research indicates that making surfaces more light-reflecting can have a significant impact on lowering extreme temperatures, very important as our Summers are only going to get warmer and why stop at roofs, our roads are all black and there are 262,300 miles of them in the UK trapping heat.   
Anyone who lives in a  City will know how hot it gets there, 'Walkin' on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head' as the Lovin' Spoonful elegantly put it or as much as 3°C warmer as the MET Office less lyrically say if you prefer.
'The creation of lighter land surfaces could help to lower extreme temperatures in much of Europe says the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, and New York introduced rules on white roofs into its building codes as long ago as 2012 and cities such as Melbourne, Australia are encouraging owners whiten roofs to cool individual buildings for the benefit of their occupants.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado looked at what might happen if every roof in large cities around the world were painted white, and found that it would decrease the maximum daytime temperatures by an average 0.6°C.
It may not be enough to ward off climate change, that genie is out the bottle and battering us already but it could buy us some times to come up with a solution to our own stupidity so why are we not clambering up onto roofs and sloshing about the white emulsion?
A look at the weather tomorrow reminds me I live in the UK, where it is cold for 6 months of the year and rather than air conditioning we have heating blazing so having a roof which will make it cooler isn't a very bright idea.
Ok, fair enough considering I am sat here in a cardigan over my thick pyjamas so maybe just you places with warm climates do it and let those of uas in cold and windy, rain-swept islands off the coast of Europe keep our black roofs.
Doesn't mean we can make our tarmac roads white though, surely someone can come up with a way to make tarmac white instead of black.

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