I feel i should try and explain my poem White Man's Burden which refers to the viewpoint that it is the responsibility of the white man to drag the savages kicking and screaming into modernity, even if it kills them, which to be fair it mostly did.
Some took it as me being racist which is nonsense, i just took the view that the white race is morally obligated to rule the non-white people on the planet in order to encourage their economic, social, and cultural progress and their heathen religions should be replaced with the far superior Christianity.
See, explained that like i was being kind, saying that primitive peoples, incapable of self-government, could, with British guidance, eventually become civilized, so what's wrong with that?
That idiot Mark Twain was against me, saying he was shocked that i should promote the propagation of the Gospel to replace other religions and that we should try to Christianise the Christians first but hey, Old Twainy never won a Nobel Prize for Literature but i did so what does he know.
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