Thursday 1 July 2021

Good Riddance Rummy

Usually, when someone dies, all the nice things are wheeled out about their achievements, decent qualities and public service but when it comes to Donald Rumsfeld, its not so easy because whatever he did it is overshadowed by the catastrophic war in Iraq and the million Iraqi graves his lies led directly to.
We know that within hours of the attack on 9/11, he was plotting on how to pin it on Saddam, saying 'Best info fast. Judge whether good enough hit Saddam Hussein at same time. Not only UBL. Go massive – sweep it all up. Things related and not'.
The outright lies, the distortions, the deliberate misdirection all came from Rumsfeld and led to a war to remove Saddam and take over the nation and most importantly, the huge oil fields.
My quote at the time was Saddam said he never had the weapons, George W Bush and Donald Rumsfeld said he did so which of those proved to be the liars so it’s goodbye Donald, nobody will miss you but unfortunately the death and destruction continue in Iraq and Afghanistan so the results of your dreadful, vile, appalling lies will long outlive you.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

you never struck me as someone with enough grace to just let someone die, much less have a kind word for them.

i figured you would come out with a snarky comment or two.


Falling on a bruise said...

Just because they die it doesn't magically erase all the nasty stuff they did whilst alive. If someone deserves a kind word they get one, if not they don't and Rummy definitely doesn't.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

and you make sure and share all the mistakes you can find... well, if they don't lean left...

Falling on a bruise said...

Lying to instigate a war is a ‘mistake’, a real whoops moment that one.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

you must not have read the book "Playing to the Edge" written by Michael Hayden (director of NSA and director of CIA) where he admits that he misread the intelligence and misinformed Rummy, Powell, and Bush...