Saturday 26 April 2014

A Crap App

You know how it is when you spend ages looking through the appstore looking for a certain app and you just can't find the one you need.
Luckily, something you can now do is take a picture of your poop and share it with other users thanks to Pooplog which, as the app author explains, is 'a free application that allows you to track your bowel movements using the Bristol Stool Scale on your Android powered device'.
Brilliant, and the Bristol Stool Scale to boot, just what i wanted but how does Pooplog work i hear you ask.
'Once you record the type of bowel movement, volume, and time, PoopLog allows you to attach a note, attach a photo, and even allows you to share any part of your entry with other installed applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, SMS, Email, etc.'.
The next update will include support for more logging options such as colour, blood, mucus, etc., charts, and trends but it is only currently available to users running Android OS 1.6 or higher. 
As a Blackberry owner, that's me out then. Back to using the laminated Bristol Stool Scale chart i guess. 

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